Tag Archives: The Dark Knight

The End of an Era: Deathly Hallows Pt 2 sets new bar for fantasy

This weekend marks the last hurrah for the Harry Potter film franchise. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (book) was released in 1997, Pottermania fully hit the U.S. in 2000 with the release of Goblet of Fire,* the film franchise began in 2001, and the final book was released almost exactly four years ago.  Suffice it to say – we have spent a long time inhabiting the wizarding world of J.K. Rowling in one form or another.  Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt. 2 has sold an unholy number of tickets for the midnight premiere, with regular reports of sold out screenings a week in advance.  Deathly Hallows Pt. 2 will surely go out with a bang financially.  What’s so surprising is how it positions itself as one of the best fantasy films ever made – better even than any of the Lord of the Rings films. Continue reading

Special Effects you won’t believe were done for real

Here at The Filmsmith we have a great love for all the hours that go into practical special effects, those pieces of wizardry that aren’t created by computer animators.  These guys have to battle the restrictions of the real world (time, space, gravity) in order to do their job well, because when they do, you feel the term movie magic.  So here are some of the highlights from Cracked’s, “8 Special Effects You Won’t Believe Aren’t CGI.” Continue reading

Christopher Nolan filmography montage in “Nolanography”

Mash-up videos, montages, compilations, etc. are easy to come by on YouTube but every once in a while there comes along such a video that has been done so well it deserves a little more spotlight than the others. DJC Productions put together a video compilation highlighting the career of Christopher Nolan.

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Warner Bros. bringing movies to Facebook

Like it or not, social networks are here to stay. From Twitter to Facebook, it’s getting hard to get by in the world if you’re not with either of those two networks. Aside from all the pros and cons of social networks a recent development may make these sites even more addicting, the addition of streaming movies.

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Christopher Nolan Talks About ‘The Dark Knight Rises’

Christopher Nolan has always been strict about secrecy, and his forthcoming Batman film is no exception. But it it seems that he is finally ready to talk a it about the sequel everyone is waiting to see, The Dark Knight Rises.

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Why you should be reading “Under the Dome”

Though this blog is titled The Filmsmith, my motto is similar to Rolling Stone: all the news that fits.  So I want to talk about Stephen King’s most recent novel, Under the Dome.

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Christopher Nolan Talks Batman 3 and Superman

The L.A. Times recently interviewed Christopher Nolan (director of Memento, The Dark Knight) about his third, and last, Batman film and his involvement with the next Superman film.


Avatar isn’t #1: The Truth Behind The Numbers

Avatar is still trumpeting it’s financial success as the number 1 money-maker, topping Titanic‘s previous position at the top.

Remember how you always heard data can be manipulated?

Avatar has made over 700 million dollars in domestic ticket sales, but that’s before you adjust it for inflation. boxofficemojo has broken down the highest domestic (U.S.) grosses and Avatar isn’t even in the top ten.*

Can you guess what is? Nope, not Star Wars.

The #1 title belongs to Gone With the Wind. Adjusted for inflation, Gone With the Wind made the equivalent of 1.5 billion dollars in 1939 (no word on its overseas grosses).

Hell, the animated 101 Dalmatians (1961) beats out Avatar in domestic sales and that’s without IMAX and 3D extras bumping up the figures.

There are other interesting films on the list, including The Graduate: It’s in the top 20 after making the equivalent of $650+ million, coming right behind Jurassic Park and ahead of titles like The Dark Knight.

You can see the whole chart below


*True, Avatar is currently number 1 with worldwide ticket sales, but that’s not adjusted for inflation either. Unfortunately, there don’t seem to be any tables which do the worldwide box office math when adjusted for inflation.

Batman 3: To Shoot This Year?

In the earlier post about the Burke and Hare film shoot, I mentioned a source’s experience with Christopher Nolan on the Batman films and Inception.

I forgot to mention that he also said sets were either being constructed, or will soon be constructed, for the third Batman, with the possibility of shooting toward the end of the year.  He also said that they were coming under budget at the end of The Dark Knight, so they built a whole extra set (possible usage in the third film).


I spoke with my source to clarify this info.  See this post for more.