Tag Archives: Shaun of the Dead

“Shaun of the Dead” alumni bring hilarity to sci-fi comedy “Paul”

The last time you saw Nick Frost and Simon Pegg together they were in Hot Fuzz, diving through the air firing two guns at the same time screaming “Ahhh!”  Four years later, Frost and Pegg have written and starred in a hilarious ode to all things sci-fi in Paul.

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Inspiration for Grindhouse Trailer, “Don’t”

For those fortunate souls who have enjoyed the cinematic experience of Grindhouse (the theatrical version is not available on DVD), you’ll remember the faux-trailer, Don’t.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6803Gu8tpuw Continue reading

Scott Pilgrim vs the World

Director Edgar Wright plans to team up once more with Simon Pegg and Nick Frost, to round out their Cornetto Trilogy with The World’s End (the first two Cornetto films being Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz). Until then, Wright has produced a fine comedy action film to whet our appetites. Continue reading

What the hell is going on in “Evil in the Time of Heroes”?

There have been a regular horde of marching zombies since Romero’s seminal work,  but not many films try to explain the phenomenon of the dead folks rising.  Evil in the Time of Heroes explains the zombies, but also needs to explain itself.

Walking the same line as its zombie flick forefathers, the film follows a rag tag group of survivors, equally assorted in weaponry and personality.  The catch is, this isn’t the first time that Greece encountered zombies. Flashbacks display shields and sandals slaughtering the undead during Greek’s historic height, even as the contemporaries follow the same path.  Connecting these histories is the time traveling jedi, played by Billy Zane.

I haven’t been this discombobulated about a film since Night Watch.  For those who’ve seen this Russian vampire movie, you know I don’t mean that it or Evil in the Time of Heroes are intellectually challenging: just that it’s difficult to make heads or tales of what’s occurring on screen.*

The theme to the confusion is paradoxical: where one or two characters are paper thin, others feel adequately presented; the film is funny, but is it trying to be funny?  Does it know it’s being funny?  It feels like watching Shaun of the Dead with random parts of 300 cut into the film.  At the end it just comes out as the ultimate mashup film.

I must also say, this film marinades in a bath of hemoglobin, reminiscent of Zombi 2 and Dead Alive/Brain Dead.**  But don’t worry, as the survivors fight their way through the film, there’s also plenty of mashed, and bashed limbs and exposed viscera to compliment your gushing fluids.***

If you were to put the now much abused internet phrase “WTF” under a microscope and look at its components at a cellular level, you’ll see DVD copies of Evil in the Time of Heroes floating around.

Funny, surreal, bloody…insert your choice adjective and it probably fits.  WTF indeed.

*not to mention Evil ‘s poor subtitling: white letters are hard to see and not everything is translated

**the latter being another confusing concoction of horror comedy

***even in terms of special effects it goes back and forth inflecting different tones, looking cheep and in other instances disgustingly real

Director of Shaun of the Dead has new film

Director Edgar Wright (Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz) has a new film coming out this year called, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World.  Michael Cera (Arrested Development, Juno) stars as a guy who falls in love with a girl, but has to defeat  her 7 ex-partners via Mortal Kombat style confrontations:

The whole cast for the film is a hodge-podge of actors from the quirky ends of the film universe:

-Mae Whitman is in the trailer, the actress who played Ann Veal in Arrested Development (playing Michael Cera’s character’s girlfriend)

-Anna Kendrick, who is now famous for Up In the Air, but will always remain to me for her part in Rocket Science

-Jason Schwartzman (every Wes Anderson film)

With the sound effects and whatnot it immediately made me think of Super Smash Bros.  Hopefully this will be just as fun.

Simon Pegg, Andy Serkis, and John Landis Filming Dark Comedy

John Landis (An American Werewolf in London) is filming part of his latest film, Burke and Hare, in Edinburgh this week.  Andy Serkis (Gollum) and Simon Pegg (Shaun of the Dead) star, with imdb describing the film as:

A black comedy about two 19th century grave robbers who find a lucrative business providing cadavers for an Edinburgh medical school.

Looks like Landis is returning to his roots.  Below are pictures I snapped of the set as they’re getting ready to shoot this evening.

Trucks and lighting equipment.

Rustic carts and hay for that turn of the century look.

Dressing the set to hide the new. They also installed old wooden signs.

This is how you light a set when you can't get a cherry picker lighting kit in: it's a balloon with lights inside.

This is probably the angle they'll shoot the scene from, since there's a restaurant in the opposite direction.